


Stigma around mental health is literally a matter of life and death.

Approximately half the population of the United States is estimated to have had a diagnosable mental illness at some point in their lives. Whether we are talking about clinical depression, anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia, or a host of other mental health conditions, this accounts for more than 160 million people in our nation alone.

The Covid-19 virus and its accompanying stress has only exacerbated the issue. Already, a third of Americans are feeling severe anxiety according to Census Bureau data, and nearly a quarter show signs of depression. A recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the pandemic had negatively affected the mental health of 56 percent of adults. And if pandemic history is any indicator, the secondary health effects will long outlast the pandemic itself.

Despite the fact that excellent medications and therapies exist, only about half of people with mental health difficulties will ever get treatment, even people with serious mental illnesses. There are many reasons why people don't get care, including cost and lack of access to qualified providers.

But a major reason people don't seek treatment, even when access and funds are available, is stigma.

People with mental health difficulties remain among the most stigmatized groups in the world today. People struggling with mental illness are often worried that if their friends, family, or employers find out it will mean the end of relationships and the loss of jobs.

These concerns are warranted. In half of U.S. states, admitting to a history of mental illness can lead to loss of a driver’s license, inability to serve on a jury or run for office, and even loss of custody of a child.


This ten-part series will essentially be the "30 for 30" of powerful sports stories that center around mental health.

That means we’ll support different directors who each bring a personal connection and visual style to each story.

To achieve the intended measurable impact on stigma, Podium plans to highlight many more stories of athletes working through their mental health challenges. All this occurs through the power of documentary film content that we strategically produce, distribute, and publicize.

Research shows that the best way to fight stigma is to actually talk about mental health – not just to each other, but with each other. Conversation is a critical part of the solution. Our content is designed to help initiate that crucial conversation and connection.

We are currently producing films in the sports shown below.

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